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Seiren – Hot Cousin 15 – Part 1 (English)

Seiren – Hot Cousin 15 – Part 1 (English)

Seiren - Hot Cousin 15 - Part 1 (English)
Size: 5 MB
Contains: 12 pages





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71449708_0_(1) 71449709_0_(7) 71449710_0_(12)


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  1. very good, but do not forget the version in Portuguese

    muito bom, mas não se esqueça da versão em portugues

    1. Hey felps, do you have a copy of Page 3(in English of Hot Cousin 15 Part 1) when Luiz & Aurthur crash into each other way before the Oh! Familia & Hot Cousin issue ever came out yet so I don’t have to download anything? I’ll send you my e-mail address if you need it to send me that page. Thanx..

  2. so when will be available the version in Portuguese?

    então quando vai estar disponivel a versão em portugues?

  3. Hey there, I am wondering of what other web-site(s) are the Three issues of Hot Cousin 15-English are on for me so that I can copy & Paste them in my e-mail so that I can read all three of them before the rest of Oh Familia! & Hot Cousin Special-English come out on different web-site(s) for me to also read, copy & paste in my e-mail as well too? Please let me know before the new year or after if you can. Thanks a lot.

    1. You can download all these parts from shentai. Else you can find them on this website:

      1. Well I can’t d/l anything on my mom’s computer since mine doesn’t have the internet hooked up thru a cable system since April of this year. I also don’t know if accepts any MasterCard PrePaid cards for me to look at the pages & other comics too. I sent them mail from the past months & they haven’t replied back to me about their new stories & other comics either.

        1. They do accept visa and master cards.

          1. Well I can only get a Prepaid Visa or Mastercard is all since I don’t have a regular credit card thou. But thanx alot for the info.

          2. Hey Administrator, is there any way that you can send me the 3rd page(in English of Hot Cousin 15 Part 1) when Luiz was talking to himself & when he & Aurthur crashed into each other or do I have to try to find that page on the net without downloading anything on my mom’s computer? Because mine is still not able to get back online yet. Thanks a lot.

            1. Just download this comic from above links on your mom’s computer and than move it via a usb or memory card to your own computer.

              1. Hey Admin., I found the three missing pages that I needed to read on a different web-site. So now I can’t wait for the 3 part of Hot Cousin 16(English Version) to come out hopefully soon. I just thought that I’d let you know.

  4. Man there is a lot of Seiren material out there, thanks for all of it.

    Both the links in this post are dead, please repost.

    1. New links

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